Frequently Asked Questions
The 2024/25 dance year commences on Saturday, September 14th, 2024 and runs until Sunday, May 25. 2025.
Important Dates:
Classes commence: September 14th, 2024
Thanksgiving: October 12th-14th
Winter break: December 22nd-January 5th
Family day: February 17th
March break: March 10th-16th
Easter break: April 18-21st
Classes end: May 19th
Dreams in Progress: (Recital Tech rehearsal) May 23rd (evening)
Dreams in Progress: (end of year Recital) May 25th
Registration can be completed online by clicking here to access our registration platform.
Fees are based on the number of in class hours each student receives throughout the year.
Families that have an outstanding account balance will not be permitted to register until all fees are paid in full.
All accounts must be at 0.00 balance by Jan. 1st, 2025.
Recital costumes will not be released to families who are carrying an account balance.
For every account not at zero by Jan. 1st an $25.00 administration fee will be added EACH month until the account is at zero.
For students registered in exam classes (i.e., Graded RAD Ballet, additional fees apply and are paid separately to cover the costs of exam fees, coaching fees, and extra class time.
Payment methods:
Single Payment Option: Sept 3rd, 2024 (e-transfer or in person Credit Card payment, date TBA)
4 equal instalments:
E-transfers; Payments to be sent to dancerootsoffice@gmail.com;
Credit card: In person, dates TBA
Refunds: There will be no refunds after December 31, 2024 for full-season classes. Refunds on or prior to December 31, 2024 must be requested in written form and will be pro-rated on a monthly-basis based on the date of request. An administration fee of $50.00 will apply for requests received Oct.15 or later. There are no additional fees for transferring between classes.
Our 2024/2025 Season dress code can be accessed by clicking here.
Dance attire is designed not only to provide freedom of motion but also to allow the instructor a clear view of the body. Safety is also a consideration in our dress code therefore, it is mandatory that students follow the dress code appropriate to the class in which they are participating.
Jewelry must not be worn in class and no chewing of gum will be permitted.
Please refer to the studio dress code document on our website or at the bottom of this document.
Where to purchase?
Dance wear can be purchased at Brio, our vendor of choice. They have 2 convenient locations in Ottawa. View Brio locations by clicking here.
2024/2025 Season Recital Dates:
Dreams in Progress: (Recital Tech rehearsal) May 23rd (evening)
Dreams in Progress: (end of year Recital) May 25th
Please visit our Dreams in Progress Key information section for full recital information.
End-of-year performances are an annual tradition of DanceRoots and offer students the opportunity to participate in a professionally directed performance that allows them to showcase a year’s worth of dedication and progress to their families and friends.
A very large part of the dance training process includes learning through performance. This experience helps build self-esteem, self-assurance and contributes to a child's sense of self confidence.
The rehearsal process is a tremendous learning experience because it helps children develop retention and team-work skills as they work together to create the best end result. Dedication to the end-of-year performance is the responsibility of both students and their parents.
We offer dance classes in both Ottawa and Kemptville. Please visit our schedule page for the latest season details.
Quick links:
Competitive Assessment and Placement:
New dancers interested in the competitive team will register for an assessment session.
Dancers on the team looking to remain on the team will be assessed throughout the season in weekly classes and at competitions.
Additional Key Details:
Please visit our competitive program page for full competitive team details.
Access our competitive HQ to view important competitive team information including our competitive rehearsal schedule.
*for existing competitive team members only. Please email us if you cannot login.